{PDF} Making Sense of Acute Medicine: A Guide to Diagnosis (Hodder Arnold Publication) Paul F. Jenkins, Paula H. Jensen


Given the wealth of increasingly complex technology now available to doctors and the accompanying potential risks to patients, good reasoning and decision-making skills have arguably never been more important in clinical medicine; clinical skills, diagnostic skills, and the ability to formulate cogent management plans are vital attributes of the quality physician. Making Sense of Acute Medicine focuses on the clinical decision-making process, as it applies to common presentations in acute medicine, with each chapter analyzing a different medical presentation in a systematic way. This brand new book is the perfect introduction to this important subject area; it is designed to aid the clinical reasoning skills of medical students and residents as they learn to make the transition from clerking patients to rationalizing differential diagnosis. This book also helps the reader make decisions about requesting appropriate and focused investigations, and formulate appropriate management plans.


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