[PDF] Sex in the Yellow Emperor’s basic questions: sex, longevity, and medicine in early China Jessieca Leo


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A study of sexuality as an aspect of medical knowledge, this focues on the social and literary context of the Han period. The author begins with an overview of the study and research of sexual culture of ancient and early China and examines how Suwen theories were developed and transmitted. Then the work outlines traditional views of the reproductive process, including concepts of sexual maturity, conception, fertility, and declining powers. It provides detailed analyses of traditional anatomy and ancient understanding of procreation. The book also deals with healthcare, examining how bedchamber arts can help to prevent and cure diseases, including but not limited to sexual maladies and the consequences of over-indulgence. Finally, it looks at sex and health within Suwen medical theories as part of an emerging new understanding of medical theory and knowledge. Thoroughly researched and well founded, the book is a pleasure to reading and easy to understand. Its rich presentation of how sexual culture was perceived in early China contributes greatly to a better understanding of Chinese history and culture and also of human nature.


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