The impact of organosulfur chemistry, especially in the areas of heterocyclic chemistry, stereocontrolled processes, and asymmetric synthesis, has led to a resurgence of interest in the field. This book is the secondin a series intended to provide coverage of topics of current interest throughout the whole range of organosulfur chemistry. Each volume is comprised of five or six chapters, each consisting of an in-depth, self-contained review in a well-defined area. This volume and its predecessor Organosulfur Chemistry, Synthetic Aspects will prove valuable references for researchers and practitioners in organic chemistry. Key Features* Methods of asymmetric sulfur oxidation processes* Preparation of chiral sulfoxides in nucleophilic displacement at sulfur* Conformational preferences of the sulfinyl group* Preparation and chemistry of unsaturated sulfoxides* Applications of sulfoxides as stereocontrol elements* The chemistry of sulfolenes
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