[PDF] Enols (1990)



As part of the continuing series on The Chemistry of Functional Groups this volume follows the standard format of previous editions, providing details of reactions and comprehensive coverage of the recent literature. Early chapters deal with the theoretical, structural, and stereochemical aspects of Enols, while later chapters explore more specialized topics, including synthesis, photochemistry, Enols of acids and esters, and biochemistry.
Chapter 1 Theoretical calculations (pages 1?74): Yitzhak Apeloig
Chapter 2 Thermodynamics of enols (pages 75?93): J. Peter Guthrie
Chapter 3 The chemistry of ionized enols in the gas phase (pages 95?146): Frantisek Turecek
Chapter 4 NMR, IR, conformation and hydrogen bonding (pages 147?305): B. Floris
Chapter 5 The generation of unstable enols (pages 307?322): Brian Capon
Chapter 6 Keto?enol equilibrium constants (pages 323?398): Jean Toullec
Chapter 7 Kinetics and mechanism of enolization and ketonization (pages 399?480): James R. Keeffe and A. Jerry Kresge
Chapter 8 Isolable and relatively stable simple enols (pages 481?589): Harold Hart, Zvi Rappoport and Silvio E. Biali
Chapter 9 Photochemical reactions involving enols (pages 591?638): Alan C. Weedon
Chapter 10 Enols of carboxylic acids and esters (pages 639?650): A. F. Hegarty and P. O’Neill
Chapter 11 The biochemistry of enols (pages 651?689): John P. Richard
Chapter 12 Organometallic chemistry of enols (pages 691?711): David Milstein
Chapter 13 Structural chemistry (pages 713?764): Gastone Gilli and Valerio Bertolasi


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