{pdf} Do and Discover: Fun Activities to Develop Physical Skills in the Early Years



Bridgend County Borough Council, 2008. ? 29 p. ? (Do and Discover Book). (????? ?? ??????).Between the ages of three and six children develop fundamental movement skills which are the building blocks that enable them to progress and develop a full range of skills. For example, by six years of age, a normally developing child will be able to run, jump, hop, skip, climb, throw, catch, kick, strike, manipulate, write and draw. This ability to learn movement competence creates the essential nerve cell networks which are the very essence of the learning process. However, many early years practitioners in Bridgend County Borough Council are reporting that more children appear to be entering nurseries and schools without the physical skills for large motor and fine motor play. There may be many reasons for this; for example, the introduction of computerised games, TV, small gardens, busy streets and the constant supervision of children all make it hard for the rough-and-tumble type of play to take place.
This pack provides a range of activities that early settings can use to enhance children?s physical development for children aged three to five years old.


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