{PDF} Conservation Biology: Foundations, Concepts, Applications Fred Van Dyke


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Fred Van Dyke?s new textbook, Conservation Biology: Foundations, Concepts, Applications, 2nd Edition represents a major new text for anyone interested in conservation.?Drawing on his experience as a conservation biologist, college teacher, and?successful textbook author, Van Dyke?s organizational clarity and readable style make this book an invaluable resource for students in conservation around the globe.

Presenting key information and well-selected examples, this student-friendly volume carefully integrates the science of conservation biology with its implications for ethics, law, policy and economics. In addition to rigorous examination of the scientific theory supporting conservation biology and its applications, this unique book includes a number of features which set it apart from others. These include its chapters on aquatic conservation, landscape ecology, and ecosystem management, and its direct explanation and invitation to students on how to enter the work of conservation as a professional and personal vocation.

Aimed primarily at undergraduates studying courses in conservation and conservation biology, this book will also be useful to practicing conservationists and natural resource managers.


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