This book did just what I had hoped it would do. It took a very complex subject and explained it in as simple terms as possible. I’ve never had a formal course in biology, but I had watched all the lectures in an MIT Open Courseware course on the subject that had left me confused about a number of things. Of course, this book is not as comprehensive as a full course, but it did clarify a number of things for me. Many of the illustrations are much better than in the textbook that the MIT course was based on. Near the end of the book the author began giving specific study tips — what things a student needs to be familiar with and what things they need to have down cold. In fact, the last chapter is entitled “Ten Ways to Improve Your Grade.” I thought this a little strange, because the introduction does not mention this aspect of the book. It is done unobtrusively, so it shouldn’t lessen a non-student’s enjoyment of the book. I mention it because it might be a big plus to some prospective readers.
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