[PDF] Evolutionary Studies: A Centenary Celebration of the Life of Julian Huxley : Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Symposium of the Eugenics Societ Milo Keynes, G. Ainsworth Harrison


This volume from the series “Studies in Biology, Economy and Society” is the proceeding of the 24th annual symposium of the Eugenics Society held in 1987. The papers collected here are in honour of Julian Huxley, President from 1959 until 1962 of the Eugenics Society, which exists to support research into genetic and social factors of human reproduction with a view to improving problems associated with heredity, human qualities and population. Huxley’s paper “Eugenics and Eugenists” appeared in 1920 and his 1962 Galton Lecture “Eugenics in Evolutionary Perspective” is included here. The word “eugenics” was coined by the society’s founder, Sir Francis Galton, to describe the science of improving human stock and allowing the more “suitable” qualities to prevail over those he considered less desirable.


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