Traffic ATPases: A Superfamily of Transport Proteins Operating from Escherichia coli to Humans (G. Ames, et al.).
The Respiratory Burst Oxidase (B. Babior).
Pro- and Antioxidant Functions of Quinones and Quinone Reductase in Mammalian Cells (E. Cadenas & P. Hochstein).
The Redox Centers of Ribonucleotide Reductase of Escherichia coli (M. Fontecave, et al.).
Long Range Intramolecular Linked Functions in the Calcium Transport ATPase (G. Inesi, et al.).
Hydrogen-Bonding in Carbohydrates and Hydrate Inclusion Compounds (G. Jeffrey).
Methylation of mRNA (P. Narayan & F. Rottman).
Mammalian Nitric Oxide Synthases (D. Stuehr & O. Griffith).
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