[PDF] Transforming Growth Factor-? in Cancer Therapy, Volume I: Basic and Clinical Biology Sonia B. Jakowlew PhD (auth.)


Transforming Growth Factor-? in Cancer Therapy, Volumes 1 and 2, provide a compendium of findings about the role of transforming growth factor-? (TGF-?) in cancer treatment and therapy. The first volume, Basic and Clinical Biology, is divided into three parts. Part I presents basic concepts of transforming growth factor-? signaling in normal physiology and cancer pathobiology. Part II investigates transforming growth factor-? superfamily members in normal and tumor biology. Part III details transforming growth factor-? in inflammation and fibrosis.

This volume?s companion, Cancer Treatment and Therapy, examines transforming growth factor-? in several developing and advanced cancers and discusses methods of treatment and therapy. Together, Transforming Growth Factor-? in Cancer Therapy, Volumes 1 and 2, provide researchers and clinicians with a comprehensive and cutting-edge reference for the findings about the role of transforming growth factor-? in biology and cancer treatment.