[PDF] Cooperation of Liver Cells in Health and Disease Zbigniew Kmie? (auth.)


The book is the first monograph that describes the importance of the interactions between hepatocytes and nonparenchymal liver cells for the functions of both normal and diseased liver. The concise description of major types of non-hepatocytes (sinusoidal endothelial cells, Kupffer cells, hepatic stellate cells, pit cells and other intrahepatic lymphocytes) has been followed by the presentation of the role of cellular cross-talks for the physiological regulation of specific liver functions such as uptake and storage of vitamin A, modulation of glucose homeostasis, sinusoidal blood flow regulation, synthesis of eicosanoids, nitric oxide, and growth factors. The functioning of complicated intercellular networks during the course of endotoxin-induced liver damage, and development of liver fibrosis has also been presented.


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