Content: Chemistry and characterization of coal macerals : overview / Randall E. Winans and John C. Crelling —
Premaceral contents of peats correlated with proximate and ultimate analyses / A.D. Cohen and M.J. Andrejko —
Characterization of coal macerals by fluorescence microscopy / John C. Crelling and David F. Bensley —
Microscopic IR spectroscopy of coals / Douglas Brenner —
Variations in properties of coal macerals elucidated by density gradient separation / Gary R. Dyrkacz, C.A.A. Bloomquist, L. Ruscic, and E. Philip Horwitz —
Structural variations in coal macerals : application of two-dimensional and dipolar dephasing ??C-NMR techniques / Ronald J. Pugmire, Warner R. Woolfenden, Charles L. Mayne, Jirina Karas, and David M. Grant —
Relationships between the organic structure of vitrinite and selected parameters of coalification as indicated by Fourier transform IR spectra / Deborah W. Kuehn, Alan Davis, and Paul C. Painter —
Electron spin resonance of isolated coal macerals : preliminary survey / B.G. Silbernagel, L.A. Gebhard, Gary R. Dyrkacz, and C.A.A. Bloomquist —
Reactivity and characterization of coal macerals / Randall E. Winans, Ryoichi Hayatsu, Robert G. Scott, and Robert L. McBeth —
Aspects of the hydrogen atom transfer reactions of macerals / Chol-Yoo Choi and Leon M. Stock.
[PDF] Chemistry and Characterization of Coal Macerals Randall E. Winans and John C. Crelling (Eds.)
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