[PDF] Spin Dynamics in Confined Magnetic Structures II Thomas Schrefl, Josef Fidler, Rok Dittrich (auth.), Prof. Dr. Burkard Hillebrands, Dr. Kamel Ounadjela (eds.)


This second volume of the book on spin dynamics in confined magnetic structures covers central aspects of spin dynamic phenomena, so that researchers can find a comprehensive compilation of the current work in the field. Introductory chapters help newcomers to understand the basic concepts, and the more advanced chapters give the current state of the art for most spin dynamic issues in the milliseconds to femtoseconds range. Both experimental techniques and theoretical work are discussed. The comprehensive presentation of these developments makes this volume very timely and valuable for every researcher working in the field of magnetism. It describes the new experimental techniques which have advanced this field very rapidly. Among the techniques covered, particular attention is given to those involving high temporal, elemental and spatial resolution as well as to techniques involving magnetic field pulses with very short rise times and durations.


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