A thorough analysis of exactly soluble models in nonlinear classical systems and in quantum systems as well as recent studies in conformal quantum field theory have revealed the structure of quantum groups to be an interesting and rich framework for mathematical and physical problems. In this book, for the first time, authors from different schools review in an intelligible way the various competing approaches: inverse scattering methods, 2-dimensional statistical models, Yang-Baxter algebras, the Bethe ansatz, conformal quantum field theory, representations, braid group statistics, noncommutative geometry, and harmonic analysis.
[PDF] Quantum Groups: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Mathematical Physics Held at the Arnold Sommerfeld Institute, Clausthal, FRG, on 19?26 July 1989 L. A. Takhtajan (auth.), H. -D. Doebner, J. -D. Hennig (eds.)
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