[PDF] Physics in the Arts (Complementary Science) P.U.P.A. Gilbert, Willy Haeberli


A deep yet accessible analysis of the physics of light and sound, and how our eyes andears detect them, is not only intellectually enjoyable, but also useful to understand andinterpret the world in which we live, all the phenomena that take place around us, and howwe perceive them. In short, how we interface with our planet, its inhabitants, and theircreations. Understanding the physics of light and sound may also increase the appreciationfor works of art and for art itself, and even stimulate the artists among the readers to deepentheir knowledge of their media, of how people interface with them, and perhaps improvetheir art production. * Offers an alternative route to science literacy for those interested in the arts, music and photography* Popular science book with wide readership beyond the classroom at an accessible level* Material covered at a level appropriate for self-study or as a complementary textbook* Companion website for Instructors available in Spring 2008


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