{PDF} Manual of Cable Osteosyntheses: History, Technical Basis, Biomechanics of the Tension Band Principle, and Instructions for Operation Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. habil. Reiner Labitzke (auth.)


In bone surgery it is essential to compress fractures interfragmentarily in order to make them resistant to the tensile force of muscles and the force resulting from acceleration and deceleration. This can be best achieved by the use of cable tension bands as a traction mechanism. The cable tension band is – in terms of stability of fractures – far superior to the conventional rigid cerclage wire which has been widely used in osteosynthesis for over 100 years. The author explains the biomechanics of the tension band in detail. Theoretical findings are confirmed by clinical test results. All osteosynthetic techniques which can be carried out with cables are described giving details of operation instructions. Errors and risks are always pointed out. A reference book and operative manual at a time.


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