[PDF] Advances in Teaching Physical Chemistry Mark D. Ellison and Tracy A. Schoolcraft (Eds.)


Content: Advances in teaching physical chemistry: overview / Mark D. Ellison, Tracy A. Schoolcraft —
What to teach in physical chemistry: is there a single answer? / Gerald R. Van Hecke —
Decisions in the physical chemistry course / Robert G. Mortimer —
Integrating research and education to create a dynamic physical chemistry curriculum / Arthur B. Ellis —
The evolution of physical chemistry courses / Peter Atkins —
Philosophy of chemistry, reduction, emergence, and chemical education / Eric Scerri —
Teaching and learning physical chemistry: a review of education research / Georgios Tsaparlis —
Modern developments in the physical chemistry laboratory / Samuel A. Abrash —
Existence of a problem-solving mindset among students taking quantum mechanics and its implications / David E. Gardner, George M. Bodner —
Physical chemistry curriculum: into the future with digital technology / Theresa Julia Zielinski —
“Partial derivatives: are you kidding?”: teaching thermodynamics using virtual substance / Chrystal D. Bruce, Carribeth L. Bliem, John M. Papanikolas —
Molecular-level simulations as a chemistry teaching tool / Jurgen Schnitker —
Introduction of a computational laboratory into the physical chemistry curriculum / Roseanne J. Sension —
The effects of physical chemistry curriculum reform on the American chemical society DivCHED physical chemistry examinations / Richard W. Schwenz —
Walking the tightrope: teaching the timeless fundamentals in the context of modern physical chemistry / Michelle M. Francl —
The process oriented guided inquiry learning approach to teaching physical chemistry / J.N. Spencer, R.S. Moog —
Teaching physical chemistry: let’s teach kinetics first / James M. LoBue, Brian P. Koehler —
Fitting physical chemistry into a crowded curriculum: a rigorous one-semester physical chemistry course with laboratory / HollyAnn Harris.


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