{PDF} Optically Induced Nanostructures: Biomedical and Technical Applications Karsten K?nig (editor); Andreas Ostendorf (editor); Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (editor)


Nanostructuring of materials is a task at the heart of many modern disciplines in mechanical engineering, as well as optics, electronics, and the life sciences. This book includes an introduction to the relevant nonlinear optical processes associated with very short laser pulses for the generation of structures far below the classical optical diffraction limit of about 200 nanometers as well as coverage of state-of-the-art technical and biomedical applications. These applications include silicon and glass wafer processing, production of nanowires, laser transfection and cell reprogramming, optical cleaning, surface treatments of implants, nanowires, 3D nanoprinting, STED lithography, friction modification, and integrated optics.

The book highlights also the use of modern femtosecond laser microscopes and nanoscopes as novel nanoprocessing tools.

Includes a tutorial on materials nanoprocessing with lasers. A comprehensive reference for modern nanostructuring applications in engineering and biomedical disciplines. Specialises on non-UV (such as near infrared) radiation.


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