{PDF} Intelligence Materiel Division Technical Data Handbook No. 2 – Combination Locks



General Services Administration (GSA) listed Group 1 and Group 1R Combination Locks are the only combination locks authorized for use on GSA Approved Security Contain-ers throughout the US Government under Executive Order 12958, and Department of Defense Information Security Program Regulation (DOD ISPR) 5200.1-R, and the De-partment of the Army Regulation 380-5. A variety of Group 1 and Group 1R combina-tion locks have been available for many years and continue to be used throughout the world. However, they have been deemed substandard and are being replaced by locks that meed the requirements of Federal Specification FF-L-2740-A. The intent of this consolidated Technical Data Handbook is to assist the individuals responsible for rou-tine operations and combination changes. This handbook provides information concern-ing visual identification of locking mechanisms, component parts, proper methods of operation, procedures for changing combinations, and installation instructions on the latest combination locks on the market.
In order to expedite additions, changes and bulletins, and for ease of use as instructional material, a notebook format has been adopted for this handbook. This handbook, used in conjunction with Appendices F and G of AR 380-5, will assist Security Managers in reducing user errors and potential damage to security equipment.
Section 1 of this handbook describes those GSA listed Group 1 and Group 1R Combina-tion Locks that may be used as replacement locks for original equipment on GSA ap-proved Security Containers. The Mas-Hamilton Group X-07 Electromechanical Lock, included in Section 1, is currently the only approved lock for retrofit on GSA approved classified material storage containers. Section 2 provides detailed data on other locks which are found on non-GSA approved (substandard) steel filing cabinets in use until phased out (paragraph 5-102, AR 380-5). Section 3 provides data on GSA approved, three-position, changeable combination padlocks as defined in paragraph 5-101 and para-graph F-12 of Part II, Appendix F, AR 380-5. Section 4 provides data relative to appro-priate change keys needed to change the combinations on all combination locks de-scribed in this handbook. Section 5 provides the Security Manager with ancillary secu-rity equipment available for use with combination locks.


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