Asymmetric synthesis has become a major aspect of modern organic chemistry. The stereochemical properties of an organic compound are often essential to its bioactivity, and the need for stereochemically pure pharmaceutical products is a key example of the importance of stereochemical control in organic synthesis. However, achieving high levels of stereoselectivity in the synthesis of complex natural products represents a considerable intellectual and practical challenge for chemists.Written from a synthetic organic chemistry perspective, this text provides a practical overview of the field, illustrating a wide range of transformations that can be achieved. The book captures the latest advances in asymmetric catalysis with emphasis placed on non-enzymatic methods.Topics covered include:Reduction of alkenes, ketones and iminesNucleophilic addition to carbonyl compoundsCatalytic carbon-carbon bond forming reactionsCatalytic reactions involving metal carbenoidsConjugate addition reactionsCatalysis in Asymmetric Synthesis bridges the gap between undergraduate and advanced level textbooks and provides a convenient point of entry to the primary literature for the experienced synthetic organic chemist.
[PDF] Catalysis in Asymmetric Synthesis (Postgraduate Chemistry Series) Vittorio Caprio, Jonathan Williams
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