This is the proceedings of the 11th edition of the Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST) conference series. The ?rst conference was held in the USA in 1989, and since then AMAST conferences have been held on (or near) ?ve di?erent continents and have been hosted by many of the most prominent people and organizations in the ?eld. The AMAST initiative has always sought to have practical e?ects by dev- oping the science of software and basing it on a ?rm mathematical foundation. AMAST hasinterpretedsoftwaretechnologybroadly,andhas, for example, held AMAST workshops in areas as diverse as real-time systems and (natural) l- guage processing. Similarly, algebraic methodology is interpreted broadly and includes abstract algebra, category theory, logic, and a range of other ma- ematical subdisciplines. The truly distinguishing feature of AMAST is that it seeks rigorous mathematical developments, but always strives to link them to real technological applications. Our meetings frequently include industry-based participants and are a rare opportunity for mathematicians and mathema- callymindedacademicstointeracttechnicallywithindustry-basedtechnologists. Over the years AMAST has included industrial participants from organizations specializing in safety-critical (including medical) systems, transport (including aerospace), and security-critical systems, amongst others.
{PDF} Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology: 11th International Conference, AMAST 2006, Kuressaare, Estonia, July 5-8, 2006. Proceedings Ralph-Johan Back (auth.), Michael Johnson, Varmo Vene (eds.)
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