{PDF} Solving PDEs in C (Computational Science and Engineering) Yair Shapira


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The book leads readers through the entire solution process, from the original PDE, through the discretization stage, to the numerical solution of the resulting algebraic system. The high level of abstraction available in C++ is particularly useful in the implementation of complex mathematical objects, such as unstructured mesh, sparse matrix, and multigrid hierarchy, often used in numerical modeling. The well-debugged and tested code segments implement the numerical methods efficiently and transparently in a unified object-oriented approach.
The book is written for researchers, engineers, and advanced students who wish to increase their familiarity with numerical methods and to implement them using modern programming tools. Solving PDEs in C++ can be used as a textbook in courses in C++ with applications, C++ in engineering, numerical analysis, and numerical PDEs at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels. Because it is self-contained, the book is also suitable for self-study by researchers and students in applied and computational science and engineering.


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