This is the exact reference book you are given in the FE. Get to know it like the back of your hand, and you’ll be that much ahead in solving problems quickly, especially problems not in your field of study that you can plug & chug if you know where to find the formula. Live with this book; eat, breathe, and sleep with this book. It is your new best friend, because this will help you when you forget everything else you studied in preparation. I cannot emphasize how important it is.
Don’t buy the 6th Edition, get the newest one – 7th Edition, tan book. They are similar, but it will help you more to have a current copy. Like others have said, you can download it for free from NCEES, or buy it from NCEES for about $17 (with shipping, as of 2007). I prefer hardcopy, so you can get a feel for where things are.
(As a side note, for preparation materials I highly reccommend Lindeburg’s “FE Review Manual: Rapid Preparation for the General Fundamentals of Engineering Exam” – very clear and concise coverage of the general FE topics, well written, good practice problems that I actually saw on the test when I took it.)
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