Complex electronic circuits and devices are flooding applications in nearly every facet of commercial and industrial activity, from automated equipment to all types of consumer products. Proper selection of materials is crucial to meet the end-use requirements of flexible and rigid printed wiring boards. While there are many useful books and articles on the fabrication of printed circuit boards, Materials for Rigid and Flexible Printed Wiring Boards is the first book to detail the properties of the materials used and how they are made. The authors present important manufacturing information and material properties for reinforcement materials, resins, flexible films, copper foils, rigid laminates, high-speed/high-frequency laminates, and metal core and constraining core materials. They offer practical guidance to help designers, engineers, and fabricators choose suitable materials to successfully meet strength, weight, thickness, performance, cost, and other requirements. In most cases, the material data comes directly from manufacturers’ data sheets, representing typical values. The book illustrates the comparative strengths and limitations of the materials, highlights their basic properties, and details the manufacturing processes used to make them. Offering practical guidance based on years of experience, Materials for Rigid and Flexible Printed Wiring Boards is a one-stop source of crucial information for anyone designing or building printed circuit boards for any application.
{PDF} Materials for Rigid and Flexible Printed Wiring Boards Martin W. Jawitz, Michael J. Jawitz
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