{pdf} 2nd International Workshop on Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (IWPACBB 2008) Juan A. Lara, Aurora P?rez, Juan P. Valente, ?frica L?pez-Illescas (auth.), Juan M. Corchado, Juan F. De Paz, Miguel P. Rocha, Florentino Fern?ndez Riverola (eds.)


The success of Bioinformatics in recent years has been prompted by research in molecular biology and medicine in initiatives like the human genome project. The volume and diversification of data has increased so much that it is very hard if not impossible to analyze it by human experts.

The analysis of this growing body of data, intensified by the development of a number of high-throughput experimental techniques that are generating the so called ‘omics’ data, has prompted for new computational methods. New global approaches, such as Systems Biology, have been emerging replacing the reductionist view that dominated biology research in the last decades, requiring the coordinated efforts of biological researchers with those related to data analysis, mathematical modelling and computer science. Computational methods have been helping in tasks related to knowledge discovery, modelling and optimization tasks.

This workshop brings the opportunity to discuss applications of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology exploring the interactions between computer scientists, biologists and other scientific researchers. The IWPACBB technical program includes 29 papers (23 long papers and 6 short papers) selected from a submission pool of 51 papers, from 9 different countries.


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