{PDF} Agent Technology from a Formal Perspective (NASA Monographs in Systems and Software Engineering) Karin Breitman, Marco Antonio Casanova, Walt Truszkowski


The field of agent & multi-agent systems is experiencing tremendous growth whilst that of formal methods has also blossomed. The FAABS (Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems) workshops, merging the concerns of the two fields, were thus timely. This book has arisen from the overwhelming response to FAABS ?00, ?02 & ?04 and all chapters are updated or represent new research, & are designed to provide a more in-depth treatment of the topic. Examples of how others have applied formal methods to agent-based systems are included, plus formal method tools & techniques that readers can apply to their own systems.
Agent Technology from a Formal Perspective provides an in-depth view of the key issues related to agent technology from a formal perspective. As this is a relatively new interdisciplinary field, there is enormous room for further growth and this book not only creates an initial foundation, but points to the gaps; indicating open problems to be addressed by future researchers, students & practitioners.


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