[PDF] Algebraic Approaches to Nuclear Structure: Interacting Boson and Fermion Models Casten R.F., et al.


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This imponant book presents on approach to understanding the atomic nucleus that exploits simple algebraic techniques. The book focuses primarily on a panicular algebra:ic model, the Interacting Boson Model (IBM); ft outines the algebraic structure, or group theoretical basis, of the IBM and other algebraic models using simple examples. Both the compa6son of the IBM with empirical data and its microscopic basis are explored, as are extensions to odd mass nuclei and to phenomena not onginally encompassed within its purview. An impo@ant final chapter treats fermion algebraic approaches to nuclear structure which can be both more microscopic and more general, and which represent Dromisinq avenues for future research. Each of the cont6butors to t6is work i@ a leading expen in the field of algebraic models; together they have formulated an introducbon to the subject which will be an important resource for the series graduate student and the professional physicist alike.


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