{pdf} Alginates: Biology and Applications Ivan Donati, Sergio Paoletti (auth.), Bernd H. A. Rehm (eds.)


Alginates: Biology and Applications provides an overview of the state of art of alginate material properties, genetics and the molecular mechanisms underlying alginate biosynthesis as well as applications of tailor-made alginates in medicine, food and biotechnology.

Topics treated are:

material properties of alginatesalginate production: precursor biosynthesis, polymerization and secretionbacterial system for alginate uptake and degradationenzymatic alginate modificationalginate gene regulationrole of alginate in bacterial biofilmsmicrobial production of alginates: physiology and process aspectsalginate-based blends and nano/microbeadsapplications of alginates in foodalginate and its comonomer mannuronic acid: medical relevance as drugs


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