{PDF} Alstom MiCOM P124 – Dual-Powered Relay. Technical Guide. Chapter 8. Communication Database



Publication P124/EN T08/A44.
Alstom, Electronic Edition, 2005. ? 100 pages.? ???? ????????? ????????? ?????????????? ????????? ???????????????? ?????????? ???? ? ??????? ???????? MiCOM P124 (?? ?????????? ?????).This document describes the characteristics of the different communication protocol of MiCOM P124 Dual-powered relay.Table of Contents:Introduction.
Purpose of this document.
Modbus protocol.
Technical characteristics of the Modbus connection.
Modbus functions of the MiCOM relays.
Presentation of the Modbus protocol.
MiCOM P124 Dual-powered relay database organization.
K-Bus protocol and courier language.
Relay courier database.
Setting changes.
Systems integration data.
Event extraction.
Disturbance record extraction.
IEC60870-5-103 interface.
Physical connection and link layer.
Time synchronization.
Spontaneous events.
General interrogation.
Cyclic measurements.
Disturbance records.
Blocking of monitor direction.
List of events produced by the relay.
DNP 3.0 configuration/interoperability guide.
DNP V3.00 device profile.
Implementation table.
Point list.


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