{PDF} Amino Acids: Chemistry, Biology and Medicine Sir Leslie Fowden (auth.), Gert Lubec, Gerald A. Rosenthal (eds.)


The investigation of amino acids is of fundamental interest to scientists from many diverse fields. This interest derives from their role as the basic constituents of proteins in addition to their ability to serve as building blocks for the production of many classes of secondary metabolites. They can support the biosynthesis of a myriad of natural products including non-protein amino acids, cyanogenic glycosides, pharmacologically active alkaloids, certain phenols, purines and pyrimidines, nucleic acids. condensed tannins, lignins and other metabolites.
The contributions contained in this work originate from the First International Congress in Amino Acid Research. This collection of papers will appeal to researchers in the fields of biochemistry, vascular and cell biology, physiology, pharmacology, endocrinology and clinical medicine.