When kids believe that dedication and hard work canchange their performance in school, they grow tobecome resilient, successful students. Inspired by thepopular mindset idea that hard work and effort can leadto success, Mindsets in the Classroom provides educatorswith ideas for ways to build a growth mindset schoolculture, where students are challenged to change theirthinking about their abilities and potential. The bookincludes a planning template, step-by-step description ofa growth mindset culture, and “look-fors’ for adopting adifferentiated, responsive instruction model teachers canuse immediately in their classrooms. It also highlights theimportance of critical thinking and teachers students tolearn from failure. The book includes a sample professionaldevelopment plan and ideas for communicating themindset concept to parents. With this book’s easy-tofollowadvice, tasks, and strategies, teachers can grow alove of learning in their students.
[PDF] An Assessment of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory: Fiscal Year 2007 National Research Council; Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences; Laboratory Assessments Board; Panel on Chemical Science and Technology
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