{PDF} Analysis and Application of Analog Electronic Circuits to Biomedical Instrumentation Robert B. Northrop


Biomedical engineers need a resource that helps them understand the architecture and function of basic analog electronic circuits used for signal conditioning in biomedical instrumentation. Analysis and Application of Analog Electronic Circuits to Biomedical Instrumentation explains the function and design of signal conditioning systems using analog ICs, circuits that enable ECG, EEG, EMG, ERG, tomographic images, biochemical spectrograms, and other crucial medical applications.The text demonstrates how op amps are the keystone of modern analog signal conditioning systems design, and illustrates their use in isolation and instrumentation amplifiers, active filters, and numerous biomedical instrumentation systems and subsystems. It examines the properties of the ideal op amp, and applies this model to the analysis of various circuits. The book also explains basic mathematical tools used to describe noise and its propagation through linear systems, and provides a basic description of the improvement of signal-to-noise ratio by signal averaging and linear filtering.By explaining structure and function of the ??building blocks?? of biomedical systems, the author illustrates the importance of signal conditioning systems in the devices that gather and monitor patients?? critical medical information.


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