{PDF} Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers C.S. Krishnamoorthy, S. Rajeev


This book provides a comprehensive presentation of artificial intelligence (AI) methodologies and tools valuable for solving a wide spectrum of engineering problems. What’s more, it offers these AI tools on an accompanying disk with easy-to-use software. Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers details the AI-based methodologies known as: Knowledge-Based Expert Systems (KBES); Design Synthesis; Design Critiquing; and Case-Based Reasoning. KBES are the most popular AI-based tools and have been successfully applied to planning, diagnosis, classification, monitoring, and design problems. Case studies are provided with problems in engineering design for better understanding of the problem-solving models using the four methodologies in an integrated software environment.Throughout the book, examples are given so that students and engineers can acquire skills in the use of AI-based methodologies for application to practical problems ranging from diagnosis to planning, design, and construction and manufacturing in various disciplines of engineering.Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers is a must-have reference for students, teachers, research scholars, and professionals working in the area of civil engineering design in particular and engineering design in general.


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