At the Summer School Saint Petersburg 2001, the main lecture courses bore on recent progress in asymptotic representation theory: those written up for this volume deal with the theory of representations of infinite symmetric groups, and groups of infinite matrices over finite fields; Riemann-Hilbert problem techniques applied to the study of spectra of random matrices and asymptotics of Young diagrams with Plancherel measure; the corresponding central limit theorems; the combinatorics of modular curves and random trees with application to QFT; free probability and random matrices, and Hecke algebras.
[pdf] Asymptotic Combinatorics with Applications to Mathematical Physics: A European Mathematical Summer School held at the Euler Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia July 9?20, 2001 Alexei Borodin (auth.), Anatoly M. Vershik, Yuri Yakubovich (eds.)
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