{PDF} Audel HVAC Fundamentals : Heating System Components, Gas and Oil Burners, and Automatic Controls James E Brumbaugh


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Your guide to keeping the heat onWhether you’re an apprentice or a veteran HVAC technician, you know that technology changes and you need to keep up. This fully revised guidebook covers everything you need to know to install, maintain, and repair the components that run, regulate, and fuel both old and new systems. From oil burners and steam line controls to the newest chip-based technology and environmental regulations, Volume 2 helps you keep the heat on.* Install and repair thermostats, humidistats, automatic controls, and oil or gas burner controls* Review pipes, pipe fitti. ?Read more… Introduction; About the Author; Chapter1: Oil Burners; Chapter 2: Gas Burners; Chapter 3: Coal Firing Methods; Chapter 5: Gas and Oil Controls; Chapter 6: Other Automatic Controls; Chapter 7 Ducts and Duct Systems; Chapter 8 Pipes, Pipe Fittings, and Piping Details; Chapter 9 Valves and Valve Installation; Chapter 10 Steam and Hydronic Line Controls; Appendix A Professional and Trade Associations; Appendix B Manufacturers; Appendix C Data Tables; Appendix D Conversion Tables; Index


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