{PDF} Bioinformatics Methods and Protocols David D. Womble (auth.), Stephen Misener, Stephen A. Krawetz (eds.)


In Bioinformatics: Methods and Protocols, hands-on users and experts survey the key biological software packages, offering useful tips and an overview of current developments. Among the sequence analysis systems reviewed are GCG, Omiga, MacVector, DNASTAR, PepTool, GeneTool, and Staden. Molecular biology software includes Genotator and sequence-similarity searching using FASTA, CLUSTAL multiple sequence alignment, and phylogenic analysis. Web-based resources are examined for primary sequence databases, primary sequence analysis methods, and clinical databases useful in molecular medicine. The book also includes a set of guidelines for designing and teaching an introductory bioinformatics course and numerous illustrative examples to teach the reader how to solve problems.

Bioinformatics: Methods and Protocols offers to experienced and novice biologists a broad overview of the computational tools that have reshaped modern biology. It constitutes a gold-standard reference for today’s scientists who wish to develop and hone their bioinformatics skills towards the discovery of new biological relationships.


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