{PDF} Business and Technical Writing Jeffrey Jablonski


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Business and Technical Writing takes a rhetorical approach that emphasizes writing in context and aims to move students through a continuum of writing experiences ranging from less contextualized workplace simulations to more situated, more authentic, client-based projects. ?

Business and Technical Writing develops multiple literacies, including rhetorical literacy, visual literacy, information literacy, computer literacy, and ethical literacy.

Business and Technical Writing by Jeffrey Jablonski:
Demonstrates how students can identify the multiple purposes of business and technical writing; follow the conventions of memos, letters, email, reports, resumes, presentations, and social media; and write using a professional tone and style. Discusses project management, research, and collaboration techniques for the production of effective team reports. Is Practical! Students learn to plan and carry out a multi-stage, collaborative research and writing projects, and to research, analyze and present large amounts of information clearly and persuasively in professional quality documents. Is Activity Based! Students are given problem-based writing tasks ranging from case assignments to larger client-based research projects that help students apply the principles discussed.


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