[PDF] Chemical Information: Information in Chemistry, Pharmacology and Patents Proceedings of the International Conference, Montreux, Switzerland, September 1989 Dr. Eugene Garfield (auth.), Harry R. Collier (eds.)


This volume contains the full text of twenty-six of the thirty-one papers given at the Montreux 1989 International Chemical Information Conference in Montreux, Switzerland between 26 and 28 September 1989. The five papers omitted were due to their late completion and subsequent unavailability for incorporation in this volume. Of the twenty-six papers included, all but three were delivered to Infonortics in diskette form between 1 July and 1 August 1989; by 17 August 1989 the 310 pages of text and figures were typeset and scanned graphics inserted. By 26 September 1989 all copies were printed in England and delivered to the Montreux Congress Centre in Switzerland. The rapid and efficient process reflects creditably on all parties concerned, especially on the authors who followed assiduously the detailed instructions concerning presentation they were given. Conventional publishing is not so rapid, but conventional publishing does give time for authors to proof-read their texts, make correc? tions and add material, and gives time for the publisher to index the work thoroughly and completely. The current Proceedings have not been proof-read by the authors, nor is there an index. I hope that readers will appreciate this trade-off between currency and thoroughness and will recognise some of the limitations imposed by publishing proceedings at the same time the conference is held. H.R. Collier Infonortics Ltd., August 1989 Caine, Wiltshire, England v Table of Contents Chemical information as a commercial marketplace E. Garfield ..?.?.???……….?.?…?…………?.?…?.


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