[PDF] Communications in Mathematical Physics – Volume 304 M. Aizenman (Chief Editor)


Articles in this volume:

From Open Quantum Systems to Open Quantum Maps
St?phane Nonnenmacher, Johannes Sj?strand and Maciej Zworski

Generalized Pseudo-K?hler Structures
Johann Davidov, Gueo Grantcharov, Oleg Mushkarov and Miroslav Yotov

Colored Group Field Theory
Razvan Gurau

Warped Convolutions, Rieffel Deformations and the Construction of Quantum Field Theories
Detlev Buchholz, Gandalf Lechner and Stephen J. Summers

The Spectral Action and Cosmic Topology
Matilde Marcolli, Elena Pierpaoli and Kevin Teh

Spectral Properties of the Renormalization Group at Infinite Temperature
Mei Yin

On a Correspondence between SUq(2), Eq(2)SUq(2)Eq(2) and (SU)q(1,1)SUq(11)
Kenny De Commer

Hilbert Expansion from the Boltzmann Equation to Relativistic Fluids
Jared Speck and Robert M. Strain

Comment on ?Random Quantum Circuits are Approximate 2-designs? by A.W. Harrow and R.A. Low (Commun. Math. Phys. 291, 257?302 (2009))
Igor Tuche Diniz and Daniel Jonathan

Rigidity and Non-local Connectivity of Julia Sets of Some Quadratic Polynomials
Genadi Levin

On Vanishing Theorems for Vector Bundle Valued p-Forms and their Applications
Yuxin Dong and Shihshu Walter Wei

Distortion of the Poisson Bracket by the Noncommutative Planck Constants
Artur E. Ruuge and Freddy Van Oystaeyen

Poincar? Polynomial of Moduli Spaces of Framed Sheaves on (Stacky) Hirzebruch Surfaces
Ugo Bruzzo, Rubik Poghossian and Alessandro Tanzini

Equivalences Between GIT Quotients of Landau-Ginzburg B-Models
Ed Segal

Non-Abelian Multiple Vortices in Supersymmetric Field Theory
Chang-Shou Lin and Yisong Yang

Local Causal Structures, Hadamard States and the Principle of Local Covariance in Quantum Field Theory
Claudio Dappiaggi, Nicola Pinamonti and Martin Porrmann

Twistor Theory on a Finite Graph
Paul Baird and Mohammad Wehbe

Global Existence and Full Regularity of the Boltzmann Equation Without Angular Cutoff
R. Alexandre, Y. Morimoto, S. Ukai, C. -J. Xu and T. Yang

Erratum to: Equilibrium States for Interval Maps: Potentials with sup f- inf f < htop (f)?infhtop(f) Henk Bruin and Mike Todd 585-635 Boundary Value Problems for the Stationary Axisymmetric Einstein Equations: A Disk Rotating Around a Black Hole Jonatan Lenells 637-647 Construction of N-Body Initial Data Sets in General Relativity Piotr T. Chru?ciel, Justin Corvino and James Isenberg 649-664 The Aggregation Equation with Power-Law Kernels: Ill-Posedness, Mass Concentration and Similarity Solutions Hongjie Dong 665-688 Ergodicity of Some Open Systems with Particle-Disk Interactions Tatiana Yarmola 689-709 Comparison Between the Cramer-Rao and the Mini-max Approaches in Quantum Channel Estimation Masahito Hayashi 711-722 Phase Transitions with Four-Spin Interactions Joel L. Lebowitz and David Ruelle 723-763 Local Statistics of Realizable Vertex Models Zhongyang Li 765-796 Categorical Formulation of Finite-Dimensional Quantum Algebras Jamie Vicary 797-874 Elliptic Hypergeometry of Supersymmetric Dualities V. P. Spiridonov and G. S. Vartanov 875-878 Erratum to: Integral Formulas for the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process Craig A. Tracy and Harold Widom


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