[PDF] Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics XVI: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Workshop, Athens, GA, USA, February 16-20, 2004 (Springer Proceedings in Physics) (v. 17) D.P. Landau, S.P. Lewis, H.-B. Sch?ttler


This status report features the most recent developments in the field, spanning a wide range of topical areas in the computer simulation of condensed matter/materials physics. Both established and new topics are included, ranging from the statistical mechanics of classical magnetic spin models to electronic structure calculations, quantum simulations, and simulations of soft condensed matter. The book presents new physical results as well as novel methods of simulation and data analysis. Highlights of this volume include various aspects of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, studies of properties of real materials using both classical model simulations and electronic structure calculations, and the use of computer simulations in teaching.


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