{PDF} Constructuring Smooth Hot Mix Asphalt ASTM International


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Nineteen peer-reviewed papers address the latest issues affecting the resilient modulus test and use of the test results. Resilient modulus indicates the stiffness of a soil under controlled confinement conditions and repeated loading. The test is intended to simulate the stress conditions that occur in the base and subgrade of a pavement system. Papers cover: ? Repeatability of the test by testing replicated test specimens under the same conditions. ? Background of test startup and QC procedures ? Review of the LTPP test program ? Effect of water content and pore water pressure buildup on the resilient modulus of unsaturated and saturated cohesive soils ? Importance of the value of resilient modulus on required pavement thickness This book is a valuable resource for highway engineers, geotechnical engineers, laboratory personnel who conduct pavement tests, pavement designers, and foundation engineers.