[PDF] Controversies in Perinatal Medicine: the Fetus as a Patient Jose M. Carrera, Frank A. Chervenak, Asim Kurjak


The introduction of new diagnostic technologies such as Doppler technology and three-dimensional ultrasonography has changed the nature of perinatal medicine. However, the rush to introduce new procedures has sometimes compromised the rigor necessary in the initial analyses of their uses. The field is moving ahead so rapidly that health-care protocols can quickly lose their validity and controversy soon arises.Controversies in Perinatal Medicine examines the current state of the science through the lens of evidence-based medicine. With expert editorial direction and contributions from leaders in the field, the book guides readers through the maze of new technologies and procedures and explores the issues they raise in terms of scientific methodology. It focuses on selected issues in quality care of the fetus and the mother; early diagnosis and decision making; how and if new diagnostic technologies affect outcomes; contributions of ultrasou nd technology to the body of knowledge; screening and treatment for prematurity; changes in cesarean section rates; and ethical issues.Controversies in Perinatal Medicine gives you a clear picture of the developments in diagnosis and treatment made possible by new technologies and the insight to resolve the issues involved in using them.


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