Content: Pollution prevention, green chemistry, and the design of safer chemicals / Roger L. Garrett —
General principles for the design of safer chemicals : toxicological considerations for chemists / Stephen C. DeVito —
Cancer risk reduction through mechanism-based molecular design of chemicals / David Y. Lai … [et al.] —
Isosteric replacement of carbon with silicon in the design of safer chemicals / Scott McN. Sieburth —
Design of biologically safer chemicals based on retrometabolic concepts / Nicholas Bodor —
Predicting rates of cytochrome-P450-mediated bioactivation and its application to the design of safer chemicals / Jeffrey P. Jones —
Use of computers in toxicology and chemical design / G.W.A. Milne, S. Wang, and V. Fung —
Designing biodegradable chemicals / R.S. Boethling —
Designing aquatically safer chemicals / Larry D. Newsome, J. Vincent Nabholz, and Anne Kim —
Designing safer nitriles / Stephen C. DeVito —
Designing an environmentally safe marine antifoulant / G.L. Willingham and A.H. Jacobson —
Imine-isocyanate chemistry : new technology for environmentally friendly, high-solids coatings / Douglas A. Wicks and Philip E. Yeske.
[PDF] Designing Safer Chemicals. Green Chemistry for Pollution Prevention Stephen C. DeVito and Roger L. Garrett (Eds.)
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