{PDF} Digital Signal Processing J.S. Chitode


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Digital against analog processing, Application of DSP, Technology review, Application of DSP in speech processing, Biomedical engineering, Vibration analysis, Picture (image) Processing (case studies).The z-transform and its inverse, Systems function, Poles and zeros, Discrete time signals and systems, Generation of discrete time signals, Properties and algebraic manipulation, Sampling theorem ADC, DAC, Difference equations, Representation of discrete system via difference equation, Convolutions (linear and circular), Linear time invariant system, Casualty, Stability.Digital filter structure, Describing equation, System transfer function, filter catagories, Direct form I and II structures, Cascade combination of second order section, Parallel combination of second order sections, FIR filter structure, Frequency sampling structure of FIR filters, Lattice-ladder structure.Definition and properties of Discrete Fourier Transform, Fast Fourier Transform, Decimation in frequency, Decimation in time, GOETZEL algorithm Chirp-z-transform algorithm, Use of FFT algorithm in linear filtering and correlation, Quantization effect of FFT, Frequency analysis of discrete time signals, Power density, Energy density, Discrete time aperiodic signals its energy density, Convergence effect.Filter DesignDesign of linear phase FIR filters using windows, Rectangular windows, Gibb’s phenomenon, Triangular window, Hamming window, Blackman window, Kaiser window, Hanning window. Design of linear-phase FIR filters using frequency sampling, Design of optimum equiripple linear phase FIR filters, FIR differenciators, Design of Hilbert transforms, Comparision of design methods. IIR filters : Design of IIR filters from analog filters, Approximation of derivatives, Impulse invariance, Bilinear transform, Least square filter design.Hardware Architecture of DSPStudy of DSP chip architecture as an examples :(chip of Texas instruments or analog devices), Features of DSP chip architecture and instructions, Comparison with microprocessor chip.Analysis of Finite WordLength effects. The quantization process and errors, Analysis of coefficient, Quantization effects in FIR filters, A/D conversion noise analysis, Analysis of arithmetic round effect errors. Dynamic range scaling, Low sensitivity digital filters, Reduction of product round off errors, Limit cycles in IIR filters, Round-off errors in FFT algorithms.ApplicationsDual – tone multiply signal detection, Spectral analysis using DFT, Short term DFT, Musical sound processing,Voice privacy, Sub band coding of speech and special audio signals, Over sampling D/A, Over sampling A/D, Applications of multirate signal processing.


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