{pdf} Efficiency and power in energy conversion and storage: basic physical concepts Christen, Thomas


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This textbook provides the fundamental theoretical concepts of how to describe and optimize devices for energy conversion and storage. Focusing on power-efficiency relations which are the main ingredient for optimization, relations will be derived and discussed for various prototype systems like batteries, electro-motors, heat engines, solar, photodiodes, piezo-electrics, wind turbines etc. In contrast to other books, all models will be constrained to the simplest basics, allowing non-experts and beginners to easily grasp the essentials– ?Read more…
Abstract: This textbook provides the fundamental theoretical concepts of how to describe and optimize devices for energy conversion and storage. Focusing on power-efficiency relations which are the main ingredient for optimization, relations will be derived and discussed for various prototype systems like batteries, electro-motors, heat engines, solar, photodiodes, piezo-electrics, wind turbines etc. In contrast to other books, all models will be constrained to the simplest basics, allowing non-experts and beginners to easily grasp the essentials


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