{PDF} Electron Microscopy: Methods and Protocols John J. Bozzola (auth.), John Kuo (eds.)


The revised and expanded second edition of this book presents the newest technology in electron microscopy, while maintaining the practicality and accessibility of the acclaimed first edition. Like the first edition, this volume provides clear, concise instructions on processing biological specimens and includes discussion on the underlying principles of the majority of the processes presented. Electron Microscopy comprises two major areas of electron microscopy-transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The TEM area covers several key techniques, including: conventional specimen preparation methods for cultured cells and biomedical and plant tissues; cryospecimen preparation by high-pressure freezing and cryoultramicrotomy negative staining and immunogold labeling techniques; and TEM crystallography and cryo-TEM tomography. The SEM area similarly attends to conventional-, variable pressure-, environmental-, and cryoscanning microscopy techniques, as well as the application of X-ray microanalysis. Protocols for the application of X-ray microanalysis to SEM and mass spectrometry conclude the volume.


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