{PDF} English Grammar and Technical Writing Master Peter.


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Office of Language English Programs, 2004. ? 286 p.English Grammar and Technical Writing is a texbook for international students who are studying or have studied science, medicine, or technology. It is a throughly revised version of the 1986 text Science, Medicine, and Technology: English Grammar and Technical Writing. The text is designed to motivate ESOL students to learn English, appealing to the their sense or what they will need in theit professional lives be teaching the common forms of acientific writing and the grammar necessary to produce them. To derive full advantage from this book, students should therefore should therefore have knowledge of basic chemistry, biology, mathematics, physics, etc. With such a backgroung, enev students with nonscientific or nontechnical majors can benefit from the text.The book is divided into six units representing six major theoretical patterns in technical writing. The last two, the abstract and the research report, are considerecd to be genres. Each unit focuses on both writing and grammar.Unit I: The Amplified Definition
Unit II: The Description of a Mechanism
Unit III: The Description of a Process
Unit IV: The Classification
Unit V: The Abstract
Unit VI: The Research Report


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