EPR of Free Radicals in Solids: Trends in Methods and Applications presents methods and applications of modern EPR for the study of free radical processes in solids, which so far are only available in the journal literature. The first part of the book, covering trends in methods, contains experimentally oriented chapters on continuous wave and pulsed EPR techniques and special methods involving muon magnetic resonance and optical detection and theory for dynamic studies. New simulation schemes, including the influence of dynamics, are presented as well as advances in the calculation of hyperfine and electronic g-tensors. The second part of the book presents applications involving studies of radiation and photo-induced inorganic and organic radicals in inert matrices, including novel results of quantum effects in small radicals. High-spin molecules and complexes are also considered as well as radical processes in photosynthesis. Recent advances in EPR dosimetry are summarized.
[PDF] EPR of Free Radicals in Solids: Trends in Methods and Applications Anders Lund, Wei Liu (auth.), Anders Lund, Masaru Shiotani (eds.)
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