This book contains papers presented at the 11th Symposium of Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-11), held in Kolding, Denmark, from May 27-30, 2001. The objective of ESCAPE-11 is to highlight the use of computers and information technology tools, that is, the traditional CAPE topics as well as the new CAPE topics of current and future interests.The main theme for ESCAPE-11 is process and tools integration with emphasis on hybrid processing, cleaner and efficient technologies (process integration), computer aided systems for modelling, design, synthesis, control (tools integration) and industrial case studies (application of integrated strategies). The papers are arranged in terms of the following themes: computer aided control/operations, computer aided manufacturing, process and tools integration, and new frontiers in CAPE. A total of 188 papers, consisting of 5 keynote and 183 contributed papers are included in this book.
[PDF] European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – 11, 34 European Symposium of the Working Party on Computer Aided Process Engineering Rafiqul Gani and Sten Bay J?rgensen (Eds.)
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