{PDF} Fire Loading and Structural Response



This Technical Note updates and expands certain aspects of the guidance on fire engineering given in the Interim Guidance Notes, FABIG Technical Notes 1 and 6 and the UKOOA guidance. The scope of this document is limited to hydrocarbon fires and the response of steel members in the types of structures typically encountered in the oil and gas industry. The state of the art position on estimating hydrocarbon jet and pool fire loads is described, along with simplified guidance. Principles of passive fire protection and the new European Standards describing the testing and classification regime are summarized. New data for the mechanical properties at elevated temperature for structural stainless steels are presented. Guidance on the application of the Eurocode approach to structural steel fire resistant design is given, supplemented by two design examples.
Front Matter
• Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Simplified Guidance on Estimating Hydrocarbon Fire Loads
3. Heat Transfer and Temperature Development
4. General Principles of Passive Fire Protection
5. Material Properties at Elevated Temperatures
6. Eurocode Approach to Fire Resistant Design
7. Eurocode Simple Design Rules for Structural Steel Members in Fire
• 8. References


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